Site Navigation

This section provides navigation tips for the site. I'm hoping it's designed in a way that navigation is intuitive. If not, this section should help.

The main page provides several ways to reach content. The first is the header that has the high level subject groupings; Research, Interests, Projects, etc . A banner menu is associated with groups. By highliting the group, you can then select a subject on the drop down menu. A horizontal scrolling banner also allows quick access to subjects or projects underway.


Another method to navigate from the landing page is to click on individual subjects below the header image. This section is a list of quick links with descriptions of the subject area.


On each subject page there is a breadcrumb trail that can be clicked on. From here, you can get back to the home page or the previous parent page. The breadcrumb is within the black header in the image below. Within a group, each subject has a left navigation bar. Not all pages may have this navigation section.


At any time, you can go back to the home page by clicking on Home or on my name in the header or footer of each page. The site is designed with multiple methods to reach the home page.

At the bottom of every page, right side, clicking the arrow icon enables you to go scroll to the top of the page.

up arrow


The pages were tested successfully on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. No other browsers (e.g. Opera, Mozilla, etc.) were tested but should work fine.

Compiled on 08-15-2023 16:51:32